Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Dear Fellow Concerned Washington State PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS:

If you haven't ordered your petitions then now is the time to do so! We must get DYLAN’S LAW on our Washington State November Ballot.

Named after Dylan Groene, the molested, then murdered little brother of Shasta Groene whose entire household was murdered during their abduction by the multiple repeat sexual offender Joseph Duncan, who shortly after his arrest with Shasta confessed to killing many additional children during his time in the Seattle area as well (remember the two young Hispanic sisters who “disappeared” from Aurora avenue about 10 years ago, etc?)

He went on to tell police that when the truth about him finally comes out, “then I will be considered one of the worst serial killers in American history”, and all of his victims were innocent children. As Oprah said “ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH!” It’s a shame that so many innocent children had to be tortured and murdered before WE THE PEOPLE had to rise up and demand this action, as it’s obvious that we can’t count on our liberal Legislators and Judges to do it, as they “just don’t get it”. Thank God for our right to petition!

I believe it was Gandhi who said: “You can judge the morality of a society by how it treats its’ most vulnerable members”. A society that won’t protect it’s own children is doomed.

We need 225,000 signatures by July 7th to bring this CRITICALLY IMPORTANT LEGISTLATION to a vote of the good people of Washington State, and we currently have only 100,000 as of Sunday May 17th, and MOST of those signatures were from Spokane County alone. Shasta’s Father hopes that this law, when passed, will become the example for ALL the other 49 States to adopt and follow. How could anyone argue with that?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have every thinking registered voter you know sign this petition, and then mail it into the Citizens For A One Strike Law address listed at the upper left. You can receive as many copies as you’d like by contacting them at 877-745-9592 OR

Thank you for your time and consideration, and please be sure to visit for additional information.

Mark Sather
Dylan's Law Volunteer and Concerned Citizen
Citizens for a One Strike Law
P.O. Box 192
Skykomish, WA 98288
Please support Dylan's Law!

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


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