Monday, April 24, 2006

Yard Sales Were a Success! Unusual Events Comin' Up!

Citizens for a One Strike Law Area Coordinators hosted six yard sales from Spokane to Kirkland raising money so as to reach the goal of $50,000 to hire a paid signature gathering company.

We raised just under $5000. with a few high ticket items still left to sell on Craig's List or Ebay. However, we did get several new volunteers, handed out hundreds more petitions and received tons of media coverage all over the state which brought in even more voluteers. Thank you everyone who donated items, set up and helped with the yard sales and volunteered to collect signatures.

We are very pleased with this effort and encourge anyone who is willing to donate time, effort and money to do so now as we are running up against the July 7th deadline.

There are many events scheduled that I would like to mention to drum up help for Dylan's Law. Here are two very important events. May 4th "Dylan's Law Benefit Concert" in Spokane and May 6th "Ride out to Support Dylan's Law also in Spokane." Even though you may not live in Spokane, please read as this will bless you!

May 4th:

Dylan's Law Benefit Shows.

Punk Rock bands have gotten together to support Dylan's Law in probably the most unusal way to date. A show is scheduled at The Blvd. 21+ club, W. 333 Spokane Falls Blvd. (across from the Spokane Oprah House)
The bands scheduled to appear will be announced as the kinks get worked out. Come enjoy some music, food & spirit and SUPPORT DYLAN'S LAW!
For more information, contact Chelsey at

May 6: Sheri Herberholz of Cruiser's Bar in Stateline, Idaho is hosting a "Ride out to Support Dylan's Law" starting at 12:00 Noon. Cruisers Bar has the unique feature of a true to life road running right through the bar and sees about 500 bikers driving through the bar on a daily basis.

Herberholz has organized this event and biker dudes and chicks will start from Cruisers Bar at 6105 W. Seltice Road in Stateline Idaho. (Exit 299) and drive to the first location at:

Spokane Valley Mall at Azteca (12:30 to 1). They will proceed to the
downtown Spokane Azteca (1:30 to 2) and then drive to the
Azteca at the Shadle Shopping Center (2:45 to 3:15) cruising to the final location at
Azteca at the North Point Mall (3:45 to 4:15).

Anyone wanting to participate in this important event please feel free to contact Sheri at 509.217.1937.

There is rumor that Groene family friend Geraldo Rivera has been asked to join as Road Captain and Steve Groene is also scheduled to attend!

Sounds exciting and hope ya'all have a very successful event!

I am most interested in personal stories concerning these two events so please do tell.

Do you have an unusual idea to support this most needed and important public safety issue? If so, contact Tracy Oetting at


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