Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tough Law? Feel Safe Yet?

Yesterday, Gov. Gregoire stood up and stated that Washington state has the toughest laws in the country! Is she kidding? What a joke! Let's take five minutes and examine this new law and you decide if this law toughens up the current system.

The bill she signed into law that calls for a mandatory minimum of 25 years for the raping, molesting and sodomizing of children doesn't cover 90% of the violent sex crimes against those kids!

We call this bill the "symbolism over substance" bill which includes the "Family and Friends" discount. In other words, if the perp attacks a child they know they get the F&F Discount. This "tough" law was only passed because of the upcoming elections. A lot of prideful back slapping going on around here!

Basically the new law states that if you sexually violate a child you get a MM of 25 years BUT if you also kidnap that same kid you don't get any increase in sentencing. If the perp happens to know the victim then this law doesn't even apply to them.

Since 90% of most violent sex crimes happens to people who are known to the perp they get the "Family and Friends" discount of six months, a slap on the hand, and forced treatment, so that they can get out and do it all over again. This is the back bone of the jobs creation program for this predator industrial complex.

This horrid law basically sets in stone Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative--SSOSA--for the "Family and Friends" discount. Be aware this won't change a thing in the Predator Industrial Complex.

Time off for good behavior and work release is still part of this package.

This is a tough law? I think not! A tough law sends a message that ALL children have value and deserve to be protected from ANY one who sexually violates them even if that person is called dad, grandpa, uncle or brother. Pedophiles have children too! And what better way to have a continual supply of victims than to have their own children groomed to keep their mouths shut!

The governor just signed into law a bill that sets in stone the protection of these very kind of pedophiles!

What is wrong with these legislators that play around with sentencing laws for sex crimes, and the future of these kids thus the future of this state and country?

Dylan's Law sends a message to ALL sexual violators that one strike is all ya get! Our children have value and Dylan's Law offers a true solution that MAKES people safe not just makes you FEEEEEL like your safe.

I-921 offers no compromise when it comes to punishing violent sex predators. These types of offenders do not deserve second chances--these kids do!

Thanks for collecting or supporting Dylan's Law that doesn't give special rights to those pedophiles who hide behind the name Family!

If you haven't gotten your petition forms yet, and you're a Washington state voter please email onestrike@seanet.com soon with your complete mailing address as we are running out of time. July 7th is the dead line.


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