Thursday, March 02, 2006

Would you testify against your predator family member knowing there was a one strike law?

Hi Kattie,

I am sorry for your your trauma and I am as angry as you are about this injustice! I would like to ask you a question:

According to some Prosecutors, and a lot of bureaucraps who make their living off of the sex offender trade, are vehemently opposed to a one strike law because they say (and we all know how right and wonderful bureaucraps are) victims who have been raped, molested or sodomized by a predator family member won't testify against the predator family member if the victim knows there is a one strike law w/o parole hanging over their predator family member (See articles below).

Would you have testified against your predator family member knowing that they had a one strike law w/o parole hanging over their head?

In fact, any one who is a victim of a predator family member I would like to hear from you! There is a comment link at the bottom of this article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I would of testified. He changed his plea the morning that the trial started. So I did not have to testify. I would of though. I think he changed his plea because he didnt want the jury to hear the evidence and how bad it really was.
Its not fair, he took the easy road and got a lighter sentence by pleading guilty: I think. I did not dylan and slade pesonally but I feel sorry for the boys family.

5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would testify against a family member if that is what it tkes to get a conviction. I did not get that choice because we never went to trial.
People that commit offense against children should be taken off this earth. I hate them and we should suck the life right out of them.
Duncans mother should be ashamed of her self for giving birth to such a monster. To bad she didnt use birth control.

2:24 PM  

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