Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Focus Like A Laser Beam

Last night’s meeting in Burien went very well. We had several new volunteers, the press was there and most importantly a big lot of the Groene family was there to support CFAOSL and our staff despite some people’s attempt to say that I am doing this for the publicity! What publicity we can get!

I want to say thank you to the Groene’s for their support and love towards all of us and I am so glad to have met the nicest bunch of people in a long time.

The meeting was basically an organizational meeting and talking about what crimes are under Dylan’s law. We talked about how when this law is passed it will force Oregon and Idaho to pass their own laws and how this will create a wildfire across this country.

Currently, there are attempts to pass other kinds of sentencing laws re: sex offenses, but these laws will only create second chances for sex predators. We are vehemently opposed to giving second chances to violent sex predators. They do not deserve a second chance, our children do!

When one examines the high profile cases in every case, but one (Elizabeth Smart--correct me if I’m wrong), all of these predators did a least 20 years. Most did more, but not all at the same time. The argument is that we are knee-jerk reactors, but reality is that each one of these high profile cases represents thousands of missing, raped, molested, sodomized and murdered children that never get ANY media attention--not even local media attention! Our efforts are not knee-jerk reactions; they are sound common sense activism that should be going on in every state in this country! I suspect eventually OSL will be the topic of discussion everywhere as the only solution that makes sense.

We are going to focus like a laser beam on getting the Groene bill passed in Washington state. That is our focus. Our focus will not shift from the left or to the right and our focus will not be to placate to people who want to play around with sentencing laws by giving second chances to the sex predator instead of the children of this state.

CFAOSL’s focus will not be to say we are doing it for the kids--we really will do it for the kids. We won’t buckle under when the gub’ment says we are liars and we will damage kids by passing a one strike law. We won’t believe the lie that kids won’t testify if they knew there was a one strike law. It’s really about the money folks! How would a kid know what sentencing law there was unless they were told by some “groomer” be it the pedophile or the government groomers as a threat to their life?


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