Friday, February 03, 2006

Murderer of Dylan Groene writes to CFAOSL!

Dear Jean,

"Without forgiveness there is only insanity."

I hope that you are not too dismayed to receive letters from me. Normally I would not reply to such a rage filled letters, but I honestly saw genuine pain behind your words and I felt you at least deserved some kind of answer.
You are completely right, "no one has the right to play god", but sadly that is exactly what I was trying to do by condemning society for being "evil and inhuman." But god himself appeared between me and Shasta and commanded me to take her home immediately! So, I did. I don't know why he did not appear to me sooner, you'll have to take that question up with god, (and he can answer, if given a chance.)
But, since I surrendered to the authorities of this world God has been speaking with me everyday. (No, I'm not crazy and I'm not "hearing voices" or anything like that.) I know it is God talking to me though, because not even the devil himself could have made me turn myself over to my most feared and hated enemy ("the system"). It was god God himself who asked me to write you and at least try to let you know that his forgiveness is for everyone! If salvation were only for the righteous (or mostly righteous) then it would not be salvation! There is one simple message that God just asked me to convey to you (apparently he thinks you'll understand): God's power is his forgiveness, if he cant forgive me then he is weak and not God at all! Is that what you really believe?
I realize, of course, that you are hurt and angry, and that was the only reason you said such things to try to hurt me back. And to be honest, it does hurt, more than you know. My own anger, pain and confusion over what happened is more than anyone's (except possibly ! the families, of course). So I know how you probably feel. So, I'm glad that you wrote to me so I could know how you feel. Right now how other people feel is much more important to me than my own feelings.
But, as a society, we need to focus on the future "Dylan's",the ones who also deserve nothing but the best in life, before they too loose it to some hate filled person who wants to "play god" by judging those around him instead of taking responsibility for their own feelings! The question should not be "WHY, WHY?" But rather "how can I help stop this from happening again"?
Jean, I know you are hurt. But killing me will not kill the sickness that is in the world that causes this to happen. You are not really angry at me, you are angry at the sickness that I represent in your mind. But God is glorious and all power full God, and if you have faith in him he will lead you to the understanding ! you need. To see me as a human, and to see the "evil" for what it is too. (And maybe putting it to death, not each other).
If dying, even going to hell, could erase what has happened then I would volunteer in a moment. But it cant, so even though dying at this point in my life would be easier than facing what I have done. I must face it (God says so) to give the world a chance to understand, and hopefully grow, so that the next time a man like myself comes into the world (and there are certainly many already here, just waiting repetitiously for their own anger to surface) then maybe as a society we can reach out to them, exactly as I'm reaching out to you now and say, "I am sorry, please forgive me". Not for my sake, but for all of our sakes, and for the children's sake!"
Our fear and hatred is the sickness and there is no "good hatred." If you continue to hate me, and even kill me, then you send a message to other "s! ex offenders" in this country. I HATE YOU! And I wish you were DEAD! You need to honestly ask yourself how that message will affect them the next time they see a vulnerable person who represents to them exactly what I represent to you!
So, should we just "kill them all?" Jean, look where this is leading. I sense that you are a far better person then that or you wouldn't have even given me a chance to feel your pain and anger by taking time to write.
I hope and pray to God that this letter helps, even if in the smallest way, to alleviate your pain. It is so important to me that people understand Gods presence and power in all that happens. He has a plan for all of us that are literally beyond your imagination, and if you simply obey his greatest command, "to love him" then he will show you his plan too. (You don't ever even need a bible, but it can help.) Just open your heart to God. A good way to start is to o! pen your heart to someone you hate (not necessarily me). (sad face added) These are the kind of things God has been telling me about. I hope they help you understand, so you can help us all heal, and stop the insanity!
Take care, trust God, love him, please. Duncan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we hate you Duncan, and we hate sexual predators like you.

Neither God or the Devil made you do what you did. It was your sick twisted mind, and may you spend the rest of your life suffering.

Somehow I dont think you suffer though, you justify what you did.

And I call BS that you brought her back and surrendered. You brought her to a restaurant to torture her, thinking that she would think you are the only one she has.

Why did you take down her missing posters when you entered the restaurant Duncan? Why did you try to leave when you saw the cops coming Duncan?

Turning yourself in would not be going to a Denny's, it would be going to the police department and ACTUALLY turning yourself in you freak.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Mike Schuler said...

I also call BS on the claim that he was turning himself in. Criminals always try to manipulate the circumstances to cast themselves in a better light. If he was turning himself in, why doesn't he finish the job and confess to all of his other crimes, plead guilty, and save Shasta from having to go to trial and testify against him?

"But, as a society, we need..." What makes you think you have anything to do with 'society?'

"But killing me will not kill the sickness that is in the world that causes this to happen."

No, but it will kill you. You more than deserve it, and it will be a start to making the world a better place. You're a waste of oxygen that needs to stop.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Dulcinea said...

May you receive the mercy you showed Dylan, Slade, Brenda, and Mark.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May you and your mother die a miserable lonely painful death.

Signed: anyone who knows of you

3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not his fault -- he is a mere instrument of God. He didn't find God -- God found him. And since God didn't intervene before he spent weeks torturing and then killing Dylan -- well, talk to God about that. Since he seems to have a hotline to God, why doesn't he ask God why he didn't stop him before he murdered Dylan. I'd like to see that answer. Dylan and his suffering are so insignificant compared to the massive task God has given him which is reforming all of us. Justice cannot be served fast enough to this man, and Dylan's Law cannot be passed soon enough.

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Normally I would not reply to such a rage filled letters, but I honestly saw genuine pain behind your words"

Jean, I don't what you've been writing to Duncan, but I'm going to say it was unwise to include your return address. Based on the quote above, he's now playing cat and mouse with you.

In other words, he saw real pain in your words, and realized he could 'entertain' himself from jail, by torturing you psychologically.

I'm going to bet that his letter says things that are particularly painful to you, and play off things you wrote to him.

Jean, don't write to him any more. Give the letter to the authorities, without keeping copies, take it off your blog, and rid yourself of him. He means only bad to everyone he encounters.

Take care. I wish you well.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Mike Schuler said...

Anonymous said: "Give the letter to the authorities, without keeping copies, take it off your blog, and rid yourself of him."

How does sweeping it under the rug and hiding this crap help anything? Everybody should see this so that we will all know why these freaks should be locked up forever at the first time they identify themselves with their first sex crime. The spotlight should be focused on this, so everybody can see the futility of trying to rehabilitate them, and turning them loose again.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Schuler, you misunderstand my comment. I was addressing Jean specifically, not the letter in general. What I said to Jean was out of genuine concern, person to person.

I made no comments regarding the letter, its contents, or its publication.

4:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he "speaks to God each day" he should discuss God's laws, it is perfectly clear in the Bible, you take a life - you die, that simple. You may be forgiven but you still die!

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, let me say Duncan, you have to truly repent & ask for God's forgiveness before He will forgive you. I don't think you are capable of doing that.
Second, I hope God has forgiven you, because you will NOT find forgiveness anywhere on THIS earth. Personally, I hope you rot in HELL.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The death penalty is not the answer for everything. How would you feel if it was your brother or dad?? Dont forget Duncan has a family too.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The criminal justice system is going to roast his a**, then gods going to do the same. What a splendid combination.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duncan is the poster child for the death penalty.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happend to freedom of speech, citizens for one strike law? I though this was a forum to speak openly? Why did you take my post off? I asked Jeane a question.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Die Duncan said...

Duncan you sick waste of human space. You said that little boy was a coward, yet you murdered and raped people who you had bound and gagged. You hid behind a gun while they had nothing to defend themselves with or fight back. It appears to me that you are the goddmaned coward. Your coward ass then demanded from God himself that "if he existed and didn't want this child to die that he should come down and save him." Those of us who truly do understand God's strength know that he has been challenged by satan before. You don't get to evoke action and demand orders from the almighty. You just aren't that important. You claim to hear God speaking to you, well I have another theory on that. God in all his infinite wisdom, doesn't need to consult a useless piece of shit like yourself. Rather you were receiving instructions direct from hell. How nice that you will be going there soon enough so you can let them them know you got the messages. The torture of demons is reserved for the likes of your DNA. Dylan will always be remembered and won't.

1:38 PM  

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