Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Is Duncan the Third blogging again?

Or could it be one of his demon counterpart blogging for him . . . In any event, this evil spews forth to the world justifying his evil acts against children by blaming us, the sane, for his murder and predatorial sex crimes against humanity.

Hey Duncan you must feel real good that you're up there with high profile predators like Sa damn Insane!

One thing is for sure Duncan, and that is God will get His Hands on you when you get the death penalty! Then your voice is silenced forever!

Is the following from one of Duncan's multi-personalities or a friend of his?

Monday, January 23, 2006

We Need Tougher Sex Crimes (Uh,…laws)

When will America learn? It seems nobody remembers the result of “getting tough on alcoholics” (the prohibition). It was literally the birth of organized crime in America. Or what about “getting tough on drugs” (the so called “War on drugs”)? We now have over five times more drugs in this country than before! So now we need to get “tough on sex crimes?” That’s synonymous to saying, “We need more sex crime!” It’s really no mystery why. If you take control away from a person who has an obvious need for control (a “sex offender”—just for example) then what do you think they’ll do? Give up? Not likely. They are going to find a way to take control back, at any cost. And guess what? Do you really think they’ll look for a new way to get control, or resort to the one way they know? Hmm, maybe if common sense doesn’t snap us out of our delusion history will. Since America started getting tough on Sex crime in the mid 80’s we now have more than double the sex crimes per capita than the 70’s. (Get the almanacs out people- it’s all right there!) And a very good friend of mine who happens to be a “serial killer” told me that he committed more sex crimes during the two years he was on parole (including killing three children) than he did in the entire five years he was not on parole. In fact—he tells me that while he was not on parole he committed NO crimes until the police started doing illegal quarterly registration checks at his home (coming to his house to make sure he was complying with the law). He said that was when he started looking for control again—to prove (consciously and subconsciously to himself) that “they” couldn’t control him. So now more people are dead and hurting because some police chief decided to take it upon himself to “get tough on sex crime.” I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again, “the only cure for crime is Love. Everything else is just more crime!”
posted by Fifth Nail Revelations | 5:06 PM

Friday, January 20, 2006

Bureaucrats in the sex offender trade are "groomers" too!

A child won’t testify if they know their family member will get life in prison!

This is probably the most made statement among bureaucrats and agencies/government tax-paid employees I ever hear. But upon closer examination we will unlock the mystery of why those who are sex offender bureaucrats believe what they believe.

Here's a scenario for ya:

A seven year old little girl is being raped, and or molested by her "father." If this person was any other stranger we would call this "father" a pedophile, but in the world of social workers and prosecutors and some cops this "father" is considered a father of the victim-child. This is an important distinction to be made because there are two camps of sexual abusers (1) "Real" pedophiles (according to sex offender bureaucrats) and (2) Family members we can't call pedophiles, but behave like pedophiles--okay back to the scenario.

This "father" figure is molesting, and raping this little kid and all the while he is telling the innocent little child that if she tells anyone SHE will be taken away from her family. Pedophiles are notorious for threatening children with their lies, but we have to remember in bureaucracy terms this pedophile is a father. These threats are part of what'’s called "grooming." Anyway, she has been threatened with foster care. So the little girl has been molested and threatened with expulsion if even the mother of the victim finds out.

She goes to school and all of the kids are playing with dolls, and the little girl starts displaying behavior that is conducive to a child who has been raped or molested. The law demands that the teacher report her suspicions to the "authorities." The "authorities" have nothing but hearsay suspicions, but they proceed further with their investigation, and into the home walk the social workers. They bring the child into a separate room, and set her down and start talking to her like they are at her level. They ask her some questions that have nothing to do with why they are there so as to gain her trust, of course. Really? Do you really think a child who has been groomed by a person called "daddy" is really going to trust strangers? They ask her more questions and through their investigation they determine that the little girl has been molested.

What do the "authorities" do now? They come back to the house with more strangers, and a stuffed animal, and they remove the child INSTEAD of the "father" so everything the "father" has said has now come true. The "father" gets to stay in the house while the investigation goes on and the child is removed from the house and further more in some cases not all the children are removed just the one kid suspected of being abused. I never understood that!

The child is taken to a state doctor who gives the child a pelvic exam where the doctor discovers now that the child has bruising around her genitalia and her hymen is gone. Now, the investigators have physical evidence that "someone" has molested and raped this kid, but who? After a little while of more questioning they decide that it is the "father" and rightly so, the father did do it.

In walk the cops who arrest the father and haul him off to jail to await his due process. The kid is still in foster care so in her world what her "daddy" told her came true. In all of the mistrust and lies he perpetrated against this innocent kid the one truth he told was what would happen to HER if she told, and it did.

The prosecutor gets the evidence and tells the cops, "I have enough evidence to proceed with a trial."

Now the intense investigation starts with both prosecutors and defense attorneys along with child shrinks and counselors taking this kid into a separate room and questioning her. During the questioning process some adult tells the kid that the "father" will go to prison for life if she testifies against her "father."

Who told her this and why? Could this be part of the grooming process, but now is it the system who are the groomers?

"If you tell them they will take you away from your family," explains the pedophile--I mean "father."

"If you testify your 'daddy' will go to prison for life, and you'll never see him again," the defense attorney whispers.

"If you tell, honey, we won't have daddy to take care of us anymore, and I'll have to go to work," cries the mother, "and what will the neighbors think?"

The seven year old feels pressure from all sides to not tell. This is obvious. A concerned citizen steps in to try and make real change re: pedophiles and the crimes they commit by creating a law that says if you get convicted of a heinous sexual crime against a child you will go to prison for life and what do the bureaucrats say to me? The child won't testify if they know the "father" will go to prison for life!

Why would a kid know what the sentencing laws were unless an adult told her? Are we to withhold from creating tough sentencing laws for pedophiles, and let me remind you that fathers who rape, sodomize and molest their children ARE PEDOPHILES, because the kid won'’t testify if she knew there was a life sentence? That is ridiculous and what's even more ridiculous is that some adults who work with these victims believe that crap! They parrot this statement like breathing with out even thinking.

Let me also remind any prosecutor or cop who is reading this that you and many others know that the worse kind of evidence a prosecutor can have is witness testimony for all kinds of reasons which I won't go into here, but you know that that is a fact. So to not support an OSL because you believe that children won't testify on the one hand if they knew there was an OSL, and then proclaim that victim testimony is the worse kind of evidence on the other hand is schizophrenic.

There used to be a time when prosecutors actually found and presented evidence to a jury, the trier of fact, and the jury, actually concluded with their plea of guilty or not guilty. Now-a-days the prosecutors plea bargain everything because it is better to at least get them on something than nothing at all. Is this thinking always true?

This leads to the next dilemma which is a clogged and highly expensive court system because our dysfunctional government system is more interested in saving their jobs than actually being worth keeping around. Gee, think about it: the more offenders of all crimes go through the system the more your position is needed to deal with them.

Our system is full of groomers. Either we have a state filled with pedophile groomers or we have a government system filled with groomers trying to protect their assets instead of doing what's right!

Then when concerned Citizens come along who actually can think this through the government tries grooming the concerned Citizen. Well, you may think that will work with a kid, but it's not going to work for this American and Washington state Citizen!

If the prosecutors and cops have gathered their evidence and have done their job then they don't need that kid to testify and even if the kid does testify the testimony will either uphold the evidence or it won't!

The bottom line: We have bureaucrats involved with a "jobs creation program for the predator industrial complex that was deliberatly created so as to grow govenment and make these bureaucrats feel wanted." The more lenient the sentences are for these crimes the more these bureaucrat jobs are necessary so as to process the pedophiles through.

With a one strike law a pedophile who is convicted for kidnapping, rape, sodomy or molestation gets ONE trial and ONE sentence. Wow! If we actually got an OSL through I guess some bureaucrats might lose their jobs because the system is actually working.

Ya know some of you could actually work in the private sector as attorneys and private detectives and shrinks. You could do it ya know. Why are you so afraid to make a living that depends on you and not on big government and us taxpayers?

Friday, January 13, 2006

She nearly died by the hand of a repeat sex offender!

I would like to share with you my story:

On May 22, 1973 at the age of 5, I along with a 4 year old male friend, was lured away & molested by a previously convicted pedophile while playing in a park. All the while my mother was playing tennis a several yards away with her friend.

Held at knife point and then molested, having forced to perform sexual acts. I was also threatened with my life and my friend's life if I did not do what this person said, or if I made any noise. Finally, after 30 or more torturous minutes, our mothers eventually took notice that we were no longer visible, finished their tennis game & began looking for us.

In my heart, I truly believe that the only thing that spared us our lives was just a few precious minutes. At that point this pedophile had no choice but to release us. You must know that during the attack, for the entire time we could see and hear our mothers. That is how close to us they were.

This, I also believed, truly excited our attacker. As our mothers drew closer James (the pedophile) reluctantly released us, but not before he told me that he knew where I lived, what my name was, and that he would kill me if I told anyone, and that I was lucky because he was just about to kill us.

My attacker, James F. Fisher III, was 16 years old, caught and sentenced to time in a Juvenile Detention Center. This was not the first or last anyone had heard of James Fisher. Fisher had prior molestation offenses that were either thrown out or he was placed on probation for.

At the time of our attack he was on a weekend leave from a juvenile facility. Even though Fisher was known to admit that he fantasized about molesting and killing children; it was even noted and documented by police and the courts that he had hoped to kill me and the other child I was with.

He was quoted as telling the police office that was driving him back to the juvenile facility that he had intended on killing us, and that he planned on killing any future children he was to come into contact with. His very own bedroom was found to be plastered with pictures of tortured people.

Ninteen months later Fisher was released from juvenile hall again to spend another weekend at home. Without the neighbors, or the police’s knowledge he was brought home by his own mother. Immediately, upon returning home Fisher sought out to find another victim. Within hours he lured a young neighbor named Jonathan (5 yrs. old) to his garage and then proceeded to molest, torture, and kill him. Fisher then began looking for a place to hide Jonathan’s body.

When Jonathan’s parents discovered that their son was missing, they notified the police. And the search began. Jonathan’s own father and a neighbor found his son after catching Fisher dragging Jonathan’s limp body by the neck through the bushes in the back yard.

Within hours, my father and I were on a plane flying home from our vacation. The next day I had to identify Fisher in a line up, and then again at the murder trial. I gave testimony and was forced to relive the event over and over again with lawyers, police officials, the judge and therapists. Jonathan's murder never had to happen.

What is more disturbing is that not only could Fisher have been stopped, but that the entire system let down everyone involved with Fisher. He was seeing a therapist in the juvenile facility who also happened to be a previously convicted pedophile, and yet was still able to obtain his therapist license, and eventually was hired by the Juvenile Corrections Department to treat the very same kids who were committing these crimes.

In addition to that, Fisher was going home on weekends with his therapist for what he called "Therapeutic Weekends." He was really having a sexual relationship with his therapist. This therapist eventually lost his license after Jonathan was murdered, but then left the state never to be seen or heard from again. I know he is still out there committing crimes against children, unless he is dead. Nobody knows for sure.

I wish you much success in this quest of yours. I hope that not only will you spare innocent children from being abused, molested, and killed by these monsters, but that you may make the drastic and much needed changes in our legal and judicial system, not only in finding and capturing these pedophiles, but perhaps changing the laws and the way our own government handles these truly sick people.

If, and when you ever need help with this new mission, please do not hesitate to call upon me.

It would be my honor and distinct pleasure to spend the rest of my life working with you to help get these pedophiles off our streets.

Amy S. HXXXX (For privacy sake)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dylan's Law has been filed & Your Help is Necessary!

Dear One Strike Supporters,

Citizens for a One Strike Law (CFAOSL) has filed Dylan's Law in honor of Dylan Groene who was sexually brutalized and violently murdered by Joseph Duncan III. Dylan's Law is a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for violent and predatory sexual crimes such as kidnapping, to the vicious rapes and molestations of our young and defenseless children. 

People like Joseph Duncan can not ever be let out of prison! Duncan served 17 years of a 20 year sentence and was let out of a Washington state prison were he allegedly left a trial of missing and murdered children from Oak Harbor, Washington to California to North Dakota. He ended his alleged crime spree where he let loose, stalked and murdered Dylan's mother, her boyfriend, Dylan's 13 year old brother, and finally kidnapped Shasta and Dylan where he acted out on them in the most evil of ways finally ending his evil by viciously murdering an innocent eight year old child!

When will we make this stop?

This proposed law makes protecting Washington's children and communities a priority, addresses the constitutional issues of sex predators' rights and saves taxpayers money!

The staff at CFAOSL is seeking your help in promoting this vital cause in this upcoming initiative session.  We need to get the word out to our neighbors, churches and civic groups that there is a real solution to this public safety issue.  The public is very upset about the flood of violent sex offenders being released into our communities, but most people do not know that there is a real solution available right now, which is less costly to taxpayers than our current "solutions."

We believe every state has an out-of-control problem with violent sexual crimes and believe that if Washington becomes the first state to pass a one strike law other states will follow.

For information see our website at or call 877.745.9592 or email at

We would appreciate your support.

Help end the ridiculous and dangerous recycling of sexual terrorists in Washington state.  Let's not say we're doing it for the children, let's really do it for the children! 

Tracy Oetting

Founder of Citizens for a One Strike Law
P.O. Box 192
Skykomish, WA 98288