Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lock sex offenders up for good (letter to editor)

[ letter to editor ]

This letter appears in the Spokesman Review,

August 21, 2005
Lock sex offenders up for good

This is in response to Carolyn Trueblood ("Why not castrate offenders?" Aug. 16) and all others who believe that castration is the answer to the epidemic of re-offending sexual predators. Castration does not work because the thing that makes a violent sexual predator what he is is not in his genitals. It's in his brain. You can remove their sexual organs, and they will use an object to commit a rape.

The reasons for why they do what they do can be discussed for years to come. What we need to do right now is just put a stop to it. How do we stop it? By putting our values back into the correct order. We have to value the lives of innocent children and women, above the freedom of guilty predators. In other words: stop letting them out of prison. Once they're in prison, let's just keep them there, and they won't be able to re-offend.

They cannot be cured. You can't tell if they are reformed, or if they are just acting like they are reformed. Become informed. Visit Currently, they get two strikes. Let's reduce that to one strike. Problem solved.

Mike Schuler

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Name the enablers of sexual terrorists!

We have got to start naming those who come out against those who pay their salaries and who are fighting for common sense legislation that protect the innocents. It sickens me that they get away with saying that "society has to get over it and change. Be educated," they say. "We aren't living in the wild west days anymore!" stated Det. Dave Coleman of the Snohomish County sex offender unit. Name the enablers of the sexual terrorists! Name them!

They can't be allowed to hide anymore!


Getting the word out

Hello everybody. My name is Mike Schuler, and I live in Spokane Washington. All of our lower income neighborhoods are under siege from the constant threat of sexual predators looking for children to abduct. There are 1,308 registered sex offenders in Spokane County. As of today, there were 120 Level III, and 125 Level II sex offenders living here. Imagine this: the second largest city in the State of Washington with a population of about 431,027 (2003 census projection) in the county, being made to live under the rain of terror by 245 freaks that should be in Walla Walla making license plates. But they are not. Some of them are driving around looking for children to abduct, so now you can't let your kid out of your sight for even one minute. It you do, it might be the last time you ever see them. Nice, huh? On Friday evening, I passed out 200 flyers letting people know about the OSL initiative that will be filed in January. People want to sign the petition right now. This is the best news they have heard in a long time.

Since it was Friday evening, I went around town to several different bars to post and pass out flyers and talk to people. Of all of the people I talked to, I only encountered two objectors to the OSL. When I went into Fast Eddy's at Divison St. And Spokane Falls Blvd., I was going to see if the owner was there so I could get permission to tape a couple of flyers to the windows so people could see them. I saw a friend and customer of mine who owns an antique store sitting at a table with two other gentlemen, so I went over. He already knew I was there to pass out flyers, because he had seen them two days earlier. He said "Hey Mike, show it to these guys." I laid a flyer on the table. The first man ready it outloud and then said "It's not the laws that have to change, it's society that has to change. If you want to effect a change on society, you should go on educational T.V., and teach people how to raise their kids." A big giant question mark appeared above my head and I said "Huh?" I pulled out a picture of a 22 year old Level III sex offender that has been through the system 3 different times for sex crimes. At the age of 12, he raped a 6 year old boy. He is roaming free under no supervision. I asked the man "How is going on educational T.V. going to save the life of this freaks next victim?" And the man said "Look, I'm a deputy prosecutor for Spokane County, and my friend here has a wife who is head administrator for the family law court. We deal with this stuff every day. Your OSL is not going to work because it doesn't change society or the way people raise their kids." I said "Are you saying that the fact that you can't let your kid out of sight for a minute now, is because of the way people raise their kids?" I said "I heard about a 13 year old at a park who left her family picnic to go to the bathroom, and they found her the next day raped and murdered. Are you saying it's the parent's fault for not raising her right?" (Inside my head, I had already realized that I was talking to the predator industrial complex). Then the second man spoke up and said "The world has changed, and everybody just has to get used to it. You're never going to get an OSL, because nobody is ever going to sign your petition. You're just wasting your time."

Just then, another patron reached for a flyer and said "What's this?" And I said in a real loud voice so everybody could hear: "This is the new Anti-Baby Rapist Law that we are going to be collecting signatures for in January." 40 people came over and took all of the rest of the flyers I had. People were saying "I want to sign it right now!" Here is the very sad fact of the matter. We can't get rid of the 245 freaks that hold our whole city hostage, until they create 245 new victims. Doesn't that just suck? I went back to my shop to print up another 100 flyers, and went around town until midnight passing out flyers to enthusiastic future volunteers, everywhere I went. Everybody I talked to said they were going to tell all of their friends and co-workers. Many wanted flyers so they could go around and pass them out as well. It was a fun evening. I think we have the predator industrial complex vastly outnumbered.