Saturday, August 20, 2005

Name the enablers of sexual terrorists!

We have got to start naming those who come out against those who pay their salaries and who are fighting for common sense legislation that protect the innocents. It sickens me that they get away with saying that "society has to get over it and change. Be educated," they say. "We aren't living in the wild west days anymore!" stated Det. Dave Coleman of the Snohomish County sex offender unit. Name the enablers of the sexual terrorists! Name them!

They can't be allowed to hide anymore!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to be political, but until the liberals stop making excuses for these sexual terrorists no law will keep these abusers behind bars, where they belong.

My daughter was molested, several different times by a predator in Florida. He served 17 days in the county jail. All he had to do was admit he did it. But we had his semen in her panties so we already had ther proof. Then he was told to attend psychosexual therapy. He showed up twice, but was never sent to jail. He was told to stay away from the victim, he stalked her and our family. We had to move 4 times in one year to get away from him. After calling the police and the DA I was told "you need to just get on with your life" Isn't that reassuring!

He is approximately 6'1 185lbs, blue eyes and red hair. His nickname is Jay-Jay
We don't know where he is located because he was never ordered to register as a sexual pedophile.

We've got to stop making excuses and placing blame on others for these abusers actions. They are adults and know what they are doing is wrong. When the liberals start thinking about the victims instead of the predators this country can come together, politically, and make the punishment LIFE, WITH NO PAROLE!

4:50 PM  

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