The following was the hand written first page:
March 2, 2005
Tracy Oetting
Citizens For A One Strike Law
P.0 Box 192
Skykomish, Washington 98288
I sincerely hope that your in the best of spirits and physical health. I know that sex offenders are horrifically debilitating and leave tremendous long lasting suffering in their wake. It is said that a society is judged greatly on how that society's treat its young, aged/old, the disabled, the weak and the sick.
In that regard, America and many other countries have in place Laws, services to tend to its citizens needs and elements for their protection from societal fabric destroying crimes. Also, Amercia as well as some other countries, has a Consitution, and subsequently a system of laws to protect the innocent as well as the guilty.
In your letter rePrinted in the Bulletin, you don't mention those ex-felony offenders with sex convictions released via bein(g) deduced and adduced not to have a mental abnormality, thus Pose no future risk of committing crimes of sexual violence. Therefore, I surmise that you at least partially agree that on(ce) an individual has served his time, he Should be given a chance to redeem himself, give back to society, and leff(sic) alone to live his life?
Tracy I pray that "NO" Person released or post-confined reoffends in any kind of way, you know, I really hate it when the statistics Proves my Point, because I Know another child, teenager, adult an elderly Person, etec., has been violated.
Tracy, here at the Missouri Sex Offender Treatment Center, all of us Detained or Committed has a birds eye view of the Prison, Farmington Correctional Center, Seperated from us by a fence. Missouri has nurmous Prisons and many of us have been in several of them becasue of the D.O.C.'s Policy of moving inmates around on a constant basis. Therefore, those of us here Know No too well of the elements that we served time with and the Nature of their crimes. I have been convicted of being a "Sexually Violent Predator", however, the Nature and scope of crimes committed by those I served time with scares me beyond belief even. Those People are not here. As I've said in the following letter, mostly what the state of Missouri has confined/Post-incarcerated here is old, sick, and physically over the hill people, some don't have enought strength to pull the hat off of one's head. The situation I just mentioned abounds in all Post-Prison alleged civil committment centers, Nation wide. If you could read some of the reports on conditions of confinement, you possible could redirect your most welcome caring about what happens to children and others to reflect a broader view-coupled with your empathy and sympathy and Protection advocacy for children and others-you could get to know those who have committed sexual crimes, especially alleged SVP's, therefore helping to abate sexual offending from a multi-Plicity of directions.
I apologise(d) to law abiding citizens for my past criminal behaviors, I apologize(d) to other felony offenders for dropping the ball, by committing a crime. I cannot change the Past, however, I will do my best to affect a Positive future, Tracy-I know that its hard to "forgive" but its the way of healing.
Rob Love
The following was the typed pages:
Tracy Oetting ONE OF 4 PAGES
Citizens For A One Strike Law
P.0 Box 192
Skykomish, Washington 98288
Tracy, before I get on down to the reason I am writing you; I'll share the following quote I happened across, which is integral to my rebuttal to your letter reprinted in the Lifers Union Bulletin: ["All communication has a moral dimension" "People grow or diminish in moral stature by the words which they speak and the messages which they choose to hear."]
Tracy, I read with great disgust and dismay your uninformed and jaundiced tirade via your letter, "WHY PAY MILLIONS FOR "PREDATOR PLACES", reprinted in the December, 2004 Lifers Union Bulletin, page 8. While I will not attempt to obfuscate or dismiss your concerns, I will convey some of my thoughts concerning much volatile matters at the public's table. [NOTE: In rebuttal to your letter, I'll use the term [ex-felony offenders with sex convictions/felony offenders with sex convictions] instead of convicted sex offender(s) or "violent sex predator(s)."
In your letter you raised several questions concerning Federal Judge Robert Lasnick's lifting the 11 million dollar fine off of the State of Washington pursuant to the Special Commitment Center's compliance to the lions share of the late Judge Dwyer's ruling on the conditions of confinement ; Turay V. Weston. Tracy, I'll give rebuttal to some of your questions and assertions:
1. You questioned "if the treatment sex offenders is so good then why not lift the "level three" (highly likely to re-offend) label tattooed on their backs?"
My rebuttal to your horrendous/pejorative question is very simple: You have formed an opinion of people whom you know nothing of them or their particular circumstances. I am amazed that you think the way you do in the factual face of the hundreds of innocent human beings extricated from America's death rows [and] the thousands of innocent human beings extricated from many other forms of false imprisonment across America. A study/report issued (2005) by the American Bar Association, factually revealed a "tip of the iceberg;" ["More than 150 people convicted in 31 states and the District of Columbia served a total of 1,800 years in prison for crimes [they did, not commit.] All were exonerated via DNA. The study/report goes on to say ["Thousands of suspects unable to afford lawyers are wrongly convicted each year because they are pressured to accept guilty pleas or have incompetent attorneys."]
2. Tracy, you asserted “your are not opposed to lifting the 11 million dollar fine on TAXPAYERS of Washington.
My rebuttal to your assertion Ms. Tracy Oetting is: 11 million dollars is chump change compared to the millions Washington state and other states with SVP Statutes spend to keep confined [ex-felony offenders with sex convictions] after they've completed the provisions of consummated contracts/plea bargains. The names of SNOHOMISH COUNTY AND the City of SKYKOMIS are of Native American origin, therefore, I am sure the folks up around there are very familiar with the legacy and litany of broken contracts/treaties in this hemisphere.
3. You assert that lifting the fine is a good idea, however, you question the quality of treatment warrants lifting the fine?
My rebuttal is simple Tracy: I believe in treatment! I don't believe in POST-INCARCERATION IN THE NAME OF TREATMENT. I believe that treatment should be [OFFERED] to all convicted offenders the moment they enter prison, no matter the nature and scope of their crimes. Factually, all crimes have the propensities to escalate and or morph. A purse snatching can escalate and or morph into a car jacking in the assailant's bid to escape the scene; home invasion and additional robbery if the assailant decides to go to the car Jacked victim's house; sexual assault/rape and ultimately murder are also possible. Tracy, all endeavors whether positive or negative intentions, have the propensities to spin out of control; [ESPECIALLY] criminal intent has the [propensity to go even more terribly wrong for victims] as in the purse snatching example.
Tracy, if you want something to rail against, you should admonish the State of Washington and other states for claming that through [flash, drive-thru, drive-by] evaluations, state agents such as psychiatrist and psychologists, can deduce and adduce which [felony offender with a sex conviction(s)] poses a threat of future sexual violence if not confined. Tracy, while I believe that the fields of Psychiatry and Psychology are valuable and viable professions/tools, especially when used to help individuals sort out their problems [and] help individuals acquire diversity in their dealings with a complex society and world; I do not believe the fields of Psychiatry and Psychology should be used to imprison [ex-felony offenders with sex convictions] exonerated via consummated contracts/plea bargains. [We (they) have committed no new crimes, thus are [ex-felony offenders with sex convictions.]
Sadly, the prestigious professions of [Psychiatry and Psychology] and the behavioral science community in general are used to manipulate institutions and railroad people into institutions via rogue, self-absorbed, racketeering psychiatrists and psychologists who claim they can predict future behaviors. Among other things, their respective behaviors amounts to scrubbing out the lines between psychiatry, astrology, psychology, soccer, astronomy, fortunetelling, etc. As opposed to the behaviors of the aforementioned rogues, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological association has said as much when they stated: ["We do not have the (tools) nor expertise to predict future behaviors [and] that SW Statutes and subsequent treatment programs are an abuse to our respective professions [and] an abuse to the individuals detained and or committed is such programs."]
4. Tracy, you stated that "the term ("violent sex predator") is a label a judge orders to an individual who is especially vicious in the crimes they have committed and they all live on McNeil Island soon to be living in SCTF's [Secure Treatment Facilities] around the state."
My rebuttal to your concern is that "two wrongs don't make a right" Let me remind you that Native Americans were the victims of one the most horrific sex crimes on the planet via European expansion into this hemisphere. More Native Americans died from [sexually transmitted diseases] than bullets, vetted upon them by malcontents among explorers. It seems it was a humongous and unpardonable crime for "A People" to be in possession of Billions if not trillions of acres of pristine prime real-estate, punishable by humiliation and usually death. General Andrew Jackson augmented this disgusting treatment with his statement and subsequent actions after Chief Justice John Marshall/U. S. Supreme Court declared the Indian Relocation Act Unconstitutional: General Jackson retorted; "The Chief Justice has issued his decision, now let him enforce it' [NOTE: Exploration, the European expansion into this hemisphere, for example, is natural to humans and such explorations emanate not from greed, but a spiritual manifest destiny.] As contemporary humans and our descendants explore stellar space and inter-stellar space, I sincerely hope great pains will be taken to avoid destruction of newly encountered entities and their worlds. Also, we must not make fatal mistakes by thinking we are more smarter, more powerful, [advanced] than the entities we most assuredly will encounter. Like my father told me; "fate could very well have dealt a different hand in that Native Americans [The Americas] could have had technology and ambitions for Eastern hemisphere expansion, for example.' Also, contemporary Native North Americans Tribes have a technology called "Casinos" and they very well could harbor expansionist ambitions for other hemispheres?] My mother's ancestry is Native American. My mother practiced her Native American Religion and Christianity. She was indeed a Christian. She told me that [forgiveness] is integral to the social, cultural, physical and moral fabric of human kind [and] the spiritual perpetuation of human kind. She believed as Jesus said: ["All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."] Also more on who is your (our) our neighbors: Tracy did you know that 60 Missouri County Sheriffs petitioned Missouri's government for more money to fight methamphetamine. Missouri had over 2,000 methamphetamine bust in 2004, leading the nation. Methamphetamine, during the cooking process is very volatile/explosive. Meth is ubiquitous, so its hard to tell if the house next door, the warehouse down the block, or motel rooms, etc., or any other structures anywhere USA, might explode from strange/bad chefs cooking strange/bad medicine?
5. Tracy, you alluded to viciousness of crimes committed by individuals dubbed "violent sex predators" and the possibly of them living in SCFT's in your neighborhoods.
My rebuttal to your concerns is: ["The Constitution of the united States is a law for rulers and people, especially in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of it's protection all (classes) of men, at (all) times, and under (all) circumstances." "No (doctrine) involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of it's provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government" "Any (doctrine) contrary leads directly to (anarchy) or (despotism.") , Ex-parte Milligan, U. S. Supreme Court] Also: [Anacortes, Washington: Meeting on Sex offenders goes beyond stereotypes: "The panelist said that known sex offenders are only a piece of the problem. They emphasize that only about 2% of sexual assaults involve strangers. The vast majority of sex crimes are committed by persons who are (known) and (trusted), such as family members, friends, neighbors or baby sitters. 98% of sexual offenses caused by trusted person. 2% of sexual offenses caused by strangers." April 9, 2003 Anacortes American.] ["All of you have lied, all of you have said something wrong, all of you have dirt." "When your closet is clean, come clean someone else's, but clean yours first" "You guys need to turn the page." Barry Bonds.] Barry Bonds had some interesting comments that are unrelated directly to the matter we're discussing, however, Tracy, while I am not privy to whether Barry Bonds used steroids or not, Mr.. Bonds' words ring with resounding veracity across a broad spectrum of material at the public's table. For instance, The numbers released by the U.S. Justice Department, Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals there's been lots of buck passing, lots of lying, lots of professional malfeasance, especially exuded/demonstrated by rogue, renegade psychiatrists, psychologists, and others in behavioral science, [and] such fields as neurology/neurolgenetics and neuropsychiatry/psychology, etc., who are tainting their respective fields via wallowing in what they know to be flawed research/results, thus they criminalize themselves by spewing toxic, invalid and liberty stealing testimony in courts of law.
["When people complete or make significant progress in treatment programs, they should regain their liberty and (we) intend to make sure that their rights are protected." Robert Peterson, Wisconsin Public Defender Office.] The following quote from a three judge panel, U. S. District Court, District of Columbia, shows that even terrorists and non-citizens are afforded constitutional protection: ["The administration is arguing for the death of due process for anyone it rounds up in its enemy-combatant sweeps. This is tyrannical power, and it should offend anyone who cares about the rule of law, checks and balances and constitutional guarantees." "Although this nation must take strong action under the leadership of the Commander In Chief to protect itself against enormous and unprecedented threats, that necessity cannot negate the existence of the most basic fundamental rights for which the people of this country have fought and died for well over 200 years." "A government with the power to spirit people away and declare that that's the end of the matter is exactly the kind of governments the United states has always claimed to oppose and sometimes fought" "For the United states now to become that kind of government is spectacularly scary." Judge Green Speaking for the three judge panel.]
7. Tracy, you asserted that "these predators are kidnappers and murderers who perpetrate violent sex crimes. "Victims are mostly likely women and children and your state legislators passed laws allowing them to get out." "It takes an evil person who commits an evil act to get this special label." "Now a judge is saying that the treatment the state is offering is so good we get a relief order of 11 million dollars." "This doesn't make sense to me."
My rebuttal is; Tracy you should desist in taking as face value the labels the State of Washington and other states issue with total abandon. Do your own investigation in the form of comparable analyst, keeping in mind that initially and ultimately the citizens will bear the brunt of criminal assaults and criminal intentions no matter the social, criminal and mental history of a released felon, [if] and [when] he or she chooses to act out criminally: A. Washington State's SW is retro-active. I am sure you'll be surprised at the horrendous amount of [ex- felony offenders with sex convictions] released without evaluations because Washington's SVP had not become law when they neared and or completed their sentences. B. Check the ages, medical and physical conditions of those detained and or committed at SCC compared to Washington's releases. Here in Missouri the lions share of detained/committed are realty old and in sad medical conditions. They have severe medical problems that require massive amounts of drugs. There are several in wheel chairs. In other words, they are not the strapping young bucks the state routinely releases without compunction. C. Check the criminal and mental records of those detained/committed against those released. Here in Missouri the state has detained/committed many who have no criminal record except the one sex conviction. D. Check to see how many felons with no sex convictions of record committed sexually violent crimes once released. E. Check to see how many: 1. Sex convictions those detained/committed have and the number and duration of prison stints they served for sex convictions and other convictions. 2. Check the number of sex offenses and prison stints served by those released who had sex convictions. Tracy, when you finish checking, I am sure you'll question the fiscal sense of spending millions on millions of dollars to keep confined men who have served their prison time. Not only do Americans deserve to be protected from crime and criminal assailants, Americans need to be protected from legislative and judicial fraud; legislatures and legislators seeking accolades by scapegoateing [felons with sex convictions], in a bid to mask the sordid past and present nature of politics [and] their participation in it. Judges, instead of maintaining fidelity to the Constitution, are succumbing to their internal indiscretions [see Anita Hill V. Clarence Thomas] in making rulings that don't reflect Constitutional Law.
8. Tracy, you asserted, "when one of these violent sex predators re-offends well sue you." "we'll sue the treatment providers, the legislature, the Dept of Corrections, the Sentencing Guidelines Commission and anyone else who says that these people are safe to live in our communities and hasn't recommended to the legislature to pass a "one strike law" for violent sex offenses." "It is time the government does its job and pass laws that protect those of us who pay their salaries and support their life styles instead of relying on the bad guys to keep government in business."
Tracy, in rebuttal let me say that I am astounded by your incredulous and curmudgeon attitude and outlandish assertions. I am certain you'll have to stand in a very long line if you plan to sue the State of Washington and it's agents and all the others you seem to demand that they enlist in your particular brand of hate. I am curious, will you push to apply the "one strike law" to all of those executives that [looted] public and private corporations/companies, thereby robbing millions of hardworking "TAXPAYERS" of jobs/"salaries" and vital pensions funds/benefits? Think if you will, of the many senior citizens who can't afford their medications, decent food, mortgage payments, etc., because of the unchecked greed of corporate rogues. Do those looters make good neighbors?
9. You said earlier in your letter that the "violent sex predators in Washington should have "level Three" tattooed on their foreheads instead of their backs where you first suggested they be affixed.
My rebuttal is simple; Since you seem thrilled with such sadism, maybe you'll dance with glee to the fact that over 90,000 prison inmates [over 32,000 in Missouri and over 60,000 in Illinois] faced potential lethal food poisoning via adulterated foods/meats delivered in tons by a food company based in Missouri. Also, this food company delivered foods/meets to numerous mental health facilities, juvenile facilities, homes for the mentally retarded, etc., in Missouri and Illinois. Two top executives of the food company recently pleaded guilty in Federal Court, Eastern District of Missouri, to charges which described their [violent], dangerous, reckless, asinine, unconscionable and reprehensible conduct Hey Tracy, how's about applying the "one Strike" law to the food executives that perpetrated such evil? Or would you negate the abominable actions of rogue food company executives as ["collateral damage"] since their greed could have wiped out the "bad guys" that "state legislators and others rely on to keep government in business, as you stated in your letter that Washington officials rely on the "bad guys/violent sex predators to keep government in business? Tracy, those food company executives are living in a neighborhood as we speak. How's about the executives of W. R. Grace Company who knowingly poisoned an entire town, Libby, Montana; great neighbors "huh"? Excuse me, I forgot its not considered a mental abnormality if one can control his or her behaviors, but chooses to make wrong/bad decisions? Tracy are you oblivious/lacking conscious awareness because of the sheer immensity of those executive(s) crimes?
Check this out Tracy: ["A constitution must not interfere with the process of government , nor be written in a way that would force the government to violate it Everyday brings the necessity to violate constitutional laws; it is the only way, otherwise progress would be impossible government does not have to be tyrannical but it cannot avoid committing certain arbitrary acts." Napoleon Bonaparte 1789] Tracy, looking at Napoleon's style of doing business, [if I didn't know any better, I'd swear Napoleon Bonaparte wrote the SW Statutes enacted by several states?] Tracy can you ascertain similarities in your letter reprinted in the Lifers Bulletin and Napoleon Bonaparte's enlightened despotism?
Tracy, it is tantamount that offenders show sincere remorse and empathy for all victims of all crimes. Its equally tantamount that the U. S. Government and it's political subdivisions called states, exude/demonstrate empathy and deference to victims of all crimes. Violating the law of the land [the U.S. Constitution] will not provide solace nor peace to any suffers nor will a conducive environment and atmosphere exist pursuant to positive change for felons and deter would-be felons.
It is the states speaking no matter which agent(s), agency(s), Dept(s), etc., it speaks through. Therefore its unconstitutional for states to have legislative sanctioned due process for some felons and legislative placebo due process for other felons. This hypocrisy must cease. For example, U. S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas asserted ["I grew up under segregation in Georgia. There were two sets of books, one when you were light complexted and one when you were dark. I an not going back to two sets of books."] Yet we see that Justice Thomas has indeed embraced "two sets of books" by voting to uphold SVP Statutes as constitutional. What's really disconcerting is that we know that something is terribly wrong when the U. S. supreme Court, subsequent Federal Courts, state courts, state legislatures/legislators, prosecutors, psychiatrists, psychologists and some felony offenders are willing to hide behind such a ridiculous fantasy that citizens are some how less impacted if they are assaulted by felons who just happened to make wrong/bad decisions [whereas] citizens suffer irreparable damage if they are assaulted by felons who are alleged to have a so-called mental abnormality. It is unconscionable, reprehensible that a cavalcade of human entities claim to care about citizens and public safety, yet impulsively hide behind a conglomeration of rhetoric written into contagiously unconstitutional laws that are virtually impossible to vet/subject through, pursuant to eliciting justice or any semblance of justice. To elaborate, Ill divulge an excerpt from closing arguments by Mo., Asst, General David Hansen, Esq., in my 2nd civil commitment trial, (1' trial over turned/Mo., Ct. App.). Then I'll divulge excerpts from statements made to investigators by Charles Hickman, confessed killer of 10 year old Katlyn Collman, January 2005, Brownsville, Indiana. Hickman's accomplice was Timothy G. O'Sullivan.
[Mo., Asst Attorney General asserted to the court and jury: "And the purpose behind the standard is how do we distinguish a person, a sexually violent predator , someone that needs commitment for treatment, from someone who is an "ordinary criminal recidivist. That's the language the U. S. Supreme Court used in Crane." There's not some magic to this formula; its what the experts need to look at is, this person is different than an "ordinary criminal recidivist." "Are we trying to commit somebody that "JUST" goes out and commits a "VARIETY" of crimes, or is it somebody that has a mental abnormality that makes it difficult to control their behaviors, such they need to be confined to treatment because [they are dangerous to others." David Hansen, Missouri Assistant Attorney General]
Charles Hickman confessed/asserted to investigators: ["We abducted her [Katlyn Coltman] "JUST"" to scare her into keeping quiet about our drugs; our methamphetamine activities in the (her) neighborhood."]
Tracy, the surreal ness of the U. S. Supreme Court's un-judicious rthoric/ruling, parroted by Mo., Asst, General David Hansen Esq., is reflected in Charles Hickman's cavalier/off hand disregard for his murderous actions [and] his [rational] for his and his accomplice murderous actions. A casual search, even, of jurisdictions across America will reveal many shocking crimes committed by "dangerous but typical recidivist and or "ordinary criminal recidivist" True to their aforesaid labels [courtesy of the U. S. Supreme Court] describing them and pursuant to their horrific criminal actions defining them, it behooves me to call on all Americans to aid in dismantling SVP STATUTES. Simply because I believe that those who had impute in the fabrication and enactment of SVP STATUTES [and] the sustaining of SVP STATUTES, are obviously still vacationing aboard the [KNOW IT ALL VESSEL„ U. S. S. "PEDANTIC"] reminiscent of the ill-fated VESSEL [H. M. S. "TITANTIC"] traveling way too fast in the iceberg infested North Atlantic.
There is no dispute that making errors in judgment, some horrific, is not a domain exclusive to convicted felons. No human being is guaranteed that he or she will transverse their mortal spans without some derelictions. No crimes are pretty; no massive demonstration of humans inhumanities to other humans via political ambitions or ineptness are pretty. Tracy, I am an [ex-felony offender with a sex conviction], however, I am a sponge for positive character strengthening knowledge, postures and affections, thus I [reject] being habituated on by those human entities who claim the impossible; that they are privy to my immanence and itinerary. Like all Americans, I am [obligated] to obey laws enacted by duly constituted assemblies, however, I am not by any stretch of the imagination [obligated] to agree with laws repugnant to the U. S. Constitution or laws that repulse me personally.
Tracy in conclusion, I'd like to ask you a question: Considering the labels "dangerous but typical recidivist" and or "Ordinary criminal recidivist" who are alleged to have volitional control but choose not to control their behaviors, thus are prone to make wrong/bad decisions [as] opposed to the alleged "Sexually Violent predator" allegedly lacking volition, thus cannot control his behaviors; can it be predicted at what juncture the individual that chooses to make wrong/bad decisions and the alleged sexually violent predator, act out [if] and [when] after release from custody? A. 10 minutes after release? B. one day after release? C. six months after release? D.. 2 years after release? E. five to ten years after release? F. Fifteen to twenty years after release? Its been documented that many of those deduced and adduced [not] to be SW's, thus released, have recidivated to prison with sexually violent crimes and other violent crimes.
Tracy, I am sending a copy of this letter to Alan "Big Al" Meirhofer, Vice President and Director of Distribution, Lifers Union Advocacy Group/Lifers Union Bulletin. I’ll request that "Big Al" print your letter again along with [this] my letter in the Bulletin as to achieve a level playing field for those of us illegally confined, oppressed and repressed [and] for people as yourself Tracy, who feel they are getting the same sordid business.
[signed] Rob 3/3/05
Robert "Rob" Jerry Love , detained and committed against my will, 1016 W. Columbia, Farmington, Missouri 63640-2902
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