What can I Do to help CFAOSL pass a one strike law?
13 ways to be active even if you don't live in Washington state:
1. Donate to Citizens for a One Strike Law --The most frequently asked question of me is, "Are you going to refile in January.?" The answer is, No! UNLESS we can raise the money. Believe it or not it costs about $400,000 to get an initiative to the ballot. However, with an active volunteer base it doesn't have to cost that much at all. If I can raise half that amount and get at least 2000 volunteers willing to collect at least 120 signatures I will refile in January.
I have also decided that if I don't get the money by Jan. 1, 2006 I will give it all back to whomever contributed and I will close up the office. So if you care about this issue please DONATE today! Here is the link where you can donate via credit card or check:
2. Please take this fight very serious. If citizens can raise 100 grand in ONE WEEK and collect more than 230,000 signatures in 30 days to lower gas taxes WHY CAN'T WE do the same thing TO SAVE INNOCENT LIVES? Be cause we don't take it serious enough! We take life for granted. We think it won't happen to us. We don't care!
3. Write to your local newspapers or get on the radio and spread the news --Let people know that there is a state wide organization here to help change the laws. Spread the news to your family, friends and neighbors and impress on to them that our Legislature isn't about to change these laws so we have to do it ourselves. Read the campaign letter on the front page of the website for the reasons why our Legislature won't change the laws.
4. Go to your local predator notification hearings -- When you get a notice that a predator has picked your neighborhood to reside in GO to the public hearing and set up a table with CFAOSL information for people to take. Let them know we are here to work to change these laws. You can print up what ever information you need off the website (Just give credit to those who created the information).
5. Contribute local information to the website --What's going on in your part of Washington? We want to know. Your community is just as important as any other community in this state or other states. Send us your local news stories with added links for the website. The more evidence we have the better chances we have to convince legislators that we are right. This applies to all other states that have a CFAOSL chapter so please let us know.
6. Become an Area Coordinator (AC) -- Even if you live in/outside of Washington we are looking for anyone with a sound mind to become an area coordinator. CFAOSL is expanding to other states now and we are looking for those who would like to become AC in their community/states.
7. Ask your Legislators to support a one strike law bill or a possible future one strike law initiative. -- Don't take no for an answer! They work for you!
8. Volunteer your services to CFAOSL. --If we do get the necessary funds to refile we will need writers, researchers, door-bellers, signature gathers, fund raisers, etc. So please donate 10% of your money and 10% of your time.
9. Keep track of the local pedophiles living in a two mile radius of your home. --You can do that by looking up your zip code on this link. How does that help CFAOSL? If the predator re offends CFAOSL has added ammunition to fight its battle!
10. Link our website to your website -- We need free advertising. If you can link our site to yours that helps get our needs out there.
11. Put our website on your business reader boards -- Again we need to get our name out there for free.
12. Be a contributor to the One Strike Blog. We need writers from all over the country. Here is the blog link for your review.
13. Get the facts and stats -- Facts will change a person's mind instantly. There is a lot of confusion out there about what kind of crimes we want to toughen up. Read the Layman's Guide to I-861. We aren't going after "he said, she said" issues and we aren't even going after child rape for those who are 14 and above. We should, but we won't. So get the facts.
Here are just a hand full of ideas you can help CFAOSL between now and January. If you have any other ideas let me know.
Hey! I'm not willing to give up, so you don't give up!
Keep up the fight! Tracy
Founder of
Citizens for a One Strike Law
1. Donate to Citizens for a One Strike Law --The most frequently asked question of me is, "Are you going to refile in January.?" The answer is, No! UNLESS we can raise the money. Believe it or not it costs about $400,000 to get an initiative to the ballot. However, with an active volunteer base it doesn't have to cost that much at all. If I can raise half that amount and get at least 2000 volunteers willing to collect at least 120 signatures I will refile in January.
I have also decided that if I don't get the money by Jan. 1, 2006 I will give it all back to whomever contributed and I will close up the office. So if you care about this issue please DONATE today! Here is the link where you can donate via credit card or check:
2. Please take this fight very serious. If citizens can raise 100 grand in ONE WEEK and collect more than 230,000 signatures in 30 days to lower gas taxes WHY CAN'T WE do the same thing TO SAVE INNOCENT LIVES? Be cause we don't take it serious enough! We take life for granted. We think it won't happen to us. We don't care!
3. Write to your local newspapers or get on the radio and spread the news --Let people know that there is a state wide organization here to help change the laws. Spread the news to your family, friends and neighbors and impress on to them that our Legislature isn't about to change these laws so we have to do it ourselves. Read the campaign letter on the front page of the website for the reasons why our Legislature won't change the laws.
4. Go to your local predator notification hearings -- When you get a notice that a predator has picked your neighborhood to reside in GO to the public hearing and set up a table with CFAOSL information for people to take. Let them know we are here to work to change these laws. You can print up what ever information you need off the website (Just give credit to those who created the information).
5. Contribute local information to the website --What's going on in your part of Washington? We want to know. Your community is just as important as any other community in this state or other states. Send us your local news stories with added links for the website. The more evidence we have the better chances we have to convince legislators that we are right. This applies to all other states that have a CFAOSL chapter so please let us know.
6. Become an Area Coordinator (AC) -- Even if you live in/outside of Washington we are looking for anyone with a sound mind to become an area coordinator. CFAOSL is expanding to other states now and we are looking for those who would like to become AC in their community/states.
7. Ask your Legislators to support a one strike law bill or a possible future one strike law initiative. -- Don't take no for an answer! They work for you!
8. Volunteer your services to CFAOSL. --If we do get the necessary funds to refile we will need writers, researchers, door-bellers, signature gathers, fund raisers, etc. So please donate 10% of your money and 10% of your time.
9. Keep track of the local pedophiles living in a two mile radius of your home. --You can do that by looking up your zip code on this link. How does that help CFAOSL? If the predator re offends CFAOSL has added ammunition to fight its battle!
10. Link our website to your website -- We need free advertising. If you can link our site to yours that helps get our needs out there.
11. Put our website on your business reader boards -- Again we need to get our name out there for free.
12. Be a contributor to the One Strike Blog. We need writers from all over the country. Here is the blog link for your review.
13. Get the facts and stats -- Facts will change a person's mind instantly. There is a lot of confusion out there about what kind of crimes we want to toughen up. Read the Layman's Guide to I-861. We aren't going after "he said, she said" issues and we aren't even going after child rape for those who are 14 and above. We should, but we won't. So get the facts.
Here are just a hand full of ideas you can help CFAOSL between now and January. If you have any other ideas let me know.
Hey! I'm not willing to give up, so you don't give up!
Keep up the fight! Tracy
Founder of
Citizens for a One Strike Law
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