Friday, March 31, 2006

One Less Horror for "Imahologram's" Life

Some weeks ago OSL received an email from a third party about the "Dylan Groene Angel Memorial Fund". This email notice appeared to be a generic appeal circulated as a chain email to interested parties. In good faith, because OSL thought the Memorial was a good idea, we posted the text and images as a page on the OSL web site. Now, someone writing as "Imahologram" has flamed OSL and Tracy Oetting as "plagiarist" of the purportedly original message.

OSL had no intention of posting other's material without attribution, assuming the third party email was a generic appeal for a worthwhile cause.

We have removed the content from OSL, and now link over to a "letter to the editor" about the Memorial fund. We hope this will lessen the horror show that is "Imahologram's" life.

OSL still thinks the "Dylan Groene Angel Memorial Fund" is worth your attention, wherever you may find the notice.

Cary Thomas, webmaster, OSL

Tracy's thoughts about the flame attack

The world of technology has brought on emails, websites, chat boards, and blogs, but what the world of technology hasn't brought with these tools to some folks out there are the rules of netiquette, common sense, civility, and a mature self image.

Some people who choose to use these tools, use this opportunity to fight wars of personal destruction without being adult enough to use their own names! I have always been mystified that if you have the guts enough to annihilate someone's character, or peer into the unknown parts of another's heart and intention then have the guts enough to use your own name!

Realize I sent her a comment for her post letting her know that I was very sorry that we placed the memorial fund notice on our website. We did so because a concerned citizen sent us the notice and we put the notice on the front page at the top of the website AS IS because we believe it was an important project. I said that we never even considered the thought that it would be a plagiarized link, and let her know that we will promptly remove the link.

It was an unwitting error on our part to place this link on our website which we did in good faith. It is unfortunate that IMAHOLOGRAM decided to just blast me with accusations of plagiarism, theft, and emotional manipulation instead of simply emailing me asking me to correct the contents of the link. We would have promptly fixed the problem. It's too bad that the failure of communicating like an adult would cause the removal of such an important project from our equally important website.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Snohomish Prosecutor and Candidate Janice Ellis Runs Interference for Predator Industrial Complex!

Go ahead punk! Make my day!

Today I received a defensive call from the Snohomish County Prosecutor's office. The secretary informed me that Snohomish County Prosecutor and CANDIDATE Janice Ellis is demanding a face-to-face discussion with me and she'd be willing to meet me in Monroe. Excuse me? You're demanding a meeting with me? The reason? She wants me to explain to her what the "Family & Friends Discount" means mentioned in letters to the editor published around the state! See blog post below.

She stated, "Ms. Ellis wants to understand you." I think she wants to challenge me not understand me. Does she want to understand me the way she understands predators and pedophiles?

I reminded her that Ms. Ellis already understands what the family and friends discount is as she completely supports it, and backed up her position in a piece that she wrote blasting a one strike law for predators who attack innocent people. (See link in title)

I told the woman to call me on my landline to discuss further what Ms. Ellis' demands were and gave her my number. She said she would call but she never did. Things that make you go Hmmm. She calls me, demands a meeting, and then quietly backs out!

Is she afraid of the truth? Is she afraid that there are people who understand that her arguments against predators and pedophiles being locked away for life are deficient? Are you afraid that your upcoming election might be threatened?

Ms. Ellis, on the tax-payer's dime, you have publicly come out against putting pedophiles and predators in prison for life, and you refuse to explain yourself in true logical form.

Your bogus argument that kids won't testify against their daddy if they knew there was an one strike law doesn't hold up to logic. You put people who are dads in prison every day! You don't seem to mind putting those bread winners in prison!

I am surprised that someone who went to law school who is suppose to be trained in the art of logic uses this false argument as their support system.

The bottom line is this Ms. Ellis: You believe and support the recycling of violent sex predators especially when they have chlidren of their own. This keeps you in business, and it keeps these pedophiles in a continual supply of articulately groomed and quiet kids! You are running for office again and you want to appear on the surface that you are tough on crime when really you are tough on the taxpayers and light on the pedophiles and predators.

So! If you want a face to face with me I'll be down at the Northwest Women's Show--Booth DD--with the media and we'll do it there! Hope to see ya.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tough Law? Feel Safe Yet?

Yesterday, Gov. Gregoire stood up and stated that Washington state has the toughest laws in the country! Is she kidding? What a joke! Let's take five minutes and examine this new law and you decide if this law toughens up the current system.

The bill she signed into law that calls for a mandatory minimum of 25 years for the raping, molesting and sodomizing of children doesn't cover 90% of the violent sex crimes against those kids!

We call this bill the "symbolism over substance" bill which includes the "Family and Friends" discount. In other words, if the perp attacks a child they know they get the F&F Discount. This "tough" law was only passed because of the upcoming elections. A lot of prideful back slapping going on around here!

Basically the new law states that if you sexually violate a child you get a MM of 25 years BUT if you also kidnap that same kid you don't get any increase in sentencing. If the perp happens to know the victim then this law doesn't even apply to them.

Since 90% of most violent sex crimes happens to people who are known to the perp they get the "Family and Friends" discount of six months, a slap on the hand, and forced treatment, so that they can get out and do it all over again. This is the back bone of the jobs creation program for this predator industrial complex.

This horrid law basically sets in stone Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative--SSOSA--for the "Family and Friends" discount. Be aware this won't change a thing in the Predator Industrial Complex.

Time off for good behavior and work release is still part of this package.

This is a tough law? I think not! A tough law sends a message that ALL children have value and deserve to be protected from ANY one who sexually violates them even if that person is called dad, grandpa, uncle or brother. Pedophiles have children too! And what better way to have a continual supply of victims than to have their own children groomed to keep their mouths shut!

The governor just signed into law a bill that sets in stone the protection of these very kind of pedophiles!

What is wrong with these legislators that play around with sentencing laws for sex crimes, and the future of these kids thus the future of this state and country?

Dylan's Law sends a message to ALL sexual violators that one strike is all ya get! Our children have value and Dylan's Law offers a true solution that MAKES people safe not just makes you FEEEEEL like your safe.

I-921 offers no compromise when it comes to punishing violent sex predators. These types of offenders do not deserve second chances--these kids do!

Thanks for collecting or supporting Dylan's Law that doesn't give special rights to those pedophiles who hide behind the name Family!

If you haven't gotten your petition forms yet, and you're a Washington state voter please email soon with your complete mailing address as we are running out of time. July 7th is the dead line.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Groenes pressured not to testify

Victims' relatives want death penalty, no deals, for Duncan

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) - Family members of victims say they don't want the state to make a deal with Joseph Duncan III that would let him avoid the death penalty, even though a trial could be difficult for lone survivor Shasta Groene.

Duncan's public defender, John Adams, said last week a plea agreement would be easier on Shasta because she wouldn't have to testify at trial, but could only be made if the state didn't seek the death penalty against Duncan.

Duncan, 42, of Fargo, N.D., has pleaded not guilty to three counts of first-degree murder and three counts of first-degree kidnapping in the slayings of three people in their Coeur d'Alene-area home in May 2005. Killed were Brenda Kay Groene, 40; her son, Slade Vincent Groene, 13; and Mark Edward McKenzie, 37.

Federal prosecutors say that when the state case is resolved, federal charges will be filed in the abduction of 9-year-old Dylan Groene and 8-year-old Shasta Groene from the blood-drenched family home, and Dylan's subsequent death at a Montana campsite.

"For anybody to think we'd want to plea-bargain with him, they're totally crazy," Mark Doble, husband of Brenda Groene's younger sister, Sandra, told The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Wash. "This guy ruined our lives. He needs to pay."

Of his niece, Shasta, he said: "She's very strong. She will be able to testify. It needs to be done."

Adams hinted last week that a plea agreement could be possible, following a hearing in which 1st District Judge Fred Gibler postponed the trial six months at Adams' request.

Shasta's court advocate, and her father, Steve Groene, accompanied by his attorney, testified in closed proceedings in the judgeâ€'s chambers. Adams called Steve Groene as a defense witness during the hearing.

Afterward, Adams said a plea agreement would be easier on Shasta.

But Kootenai County Prosecutor Bill Douglas said there will be no negotiations, and family members say they back that decision.

"We're definitely not interested in any plea bargain whatsoever," said Darlene Torres, Brenda Groene's mother. "Mr. Douglas, we're behind him all the way."

Steve Groene, father of Slade, Dylan and Shasta, has not said publicly whether he prefers a plea agreement or a trial.

The brother of Mark McKenzie, Steve McKenzie, said he understood the concern over the idea of Shasta being called to testify. But he said the death penalty should not be bargained away.

"That was my dad's son and my brother," Steve McKenzie said. "And he was tied up and beat to death with a hammer. We don't want to plea bargain with this guy."

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Had there been a One Strike Law, I wouldn't have waited so long to tell!

There has been a great deal of talk about whether victims would come forward to report sexual abuse if their abuser was a family member, and if they were aware that a One Strike Law was on the books to send the offender away forever. I can't answer that for anyone other than myself.

I was sexually abused as a child by a relative. To really explain it to anyone is difficult, because the story really began before the abuse I experienced did. So, please bare with me.

If you would have heard them talk about us back then and not known who was who- you could have easily mistaken me as the older sister- despite the fact that she was really 3 years older. That's because sometime when I was four, my sister lost her courage. Well, at least I thought she did. The frail, slender 7 year old girl who had always been outspoken just seemed to lose her voice one day, and it only seemed right in my little mind to "find it" for her. So I began to be her voice, defending her with all my might, standing by her at every turn, and protecting her as only a sister could. We lived that way for years, with her always backing away from her problems, and me always solving them. Despite the order of our births, I became the "big" sister, watching out for the one who couldn't seem to protect herself.

What I didn't know then, was that she hadn't lost anything. But rather, something was happening. And every bit of strength she had, every bit of courage, and bravery she could muster up, was being used to deal with it.

He told her no one would believe her, that even if she told, nothing would change, and that worked for a time. When he began to worry that she'd see through his threats- he upped the stakes. Demanding her silence, he told her the only way to keep him from hurting me, was for her to never tell about the abuse she was suffering. The very one I had grown to believe was weak and helpless, was courageously living with her secret- to protect me.

She didn't know he had lied, that by the time I was seven he was no longer fulfilled with just molesting her- he had begun molesting me too! Of course, my silence was easy to secure- after years of believing it was up to me to protect her, I wasn't about to betray her when it meant the very most.

It would be four years of dealing with the consequences of my sisters abuse before I would finally gain my own strength, my own voice. And when I did, I had a choice to make- do I press charges or do I find my own way to deal with it?

This is where the laws come into play. Back then, (and even now) Ohio didn't have laws that had any significant consequences at all. But, we didn't know what the laws where- and so with my sister informing law enforcement, and with the help of many investigators, and the prosecutor- charges where brought against him for the sexual abuse of my sister.

I must tell you, after pretrial, court dates, and affidavits, he received just a few months in jail. He may have gotten a bit more time, but there seemed to be problems with the reports that were filed with law enforcement. Some instances happened within city limits, some within the county. Those in the county were the more serious of crimes, and they just happened to be the reports that went missing for seven long years. Whether it was because for a time he was well known and respected with the county sheriff's office, or if it really was a simple mistake, we'll never fully understand.

He was convicted, and sent to jail for that short amount of time, and then released. He was free to harass and terrify my sister, and my family. In those four extra years of my silence, I watched as she fell apart. The nightmares that he would come after her, the trips to the hospital, the suicide attempts, how she was suddenly afraid to be alone- it was horrifying to watch her suffer through it. Almost daily, I felt compelled to speak up, but one look at her, and I couldn't imagine having to tell her she suffered all those years thinking she was protecting me, for nothing. So, instead, I learned to bandage up the cuts on her arms, to help her hide them so they wouldn't send her away again. I continued to protect her, not because I still thought she was helpless- but because now I felt I owed it to her. Her pain didn't end with her telling, and everyday knowing he was free created more fear and anguish for her.

One day, for no reason other than I could no longer remain quite- I blurted out what he had done. In that one moment- every detail from the first time to the last poured from me. And so it was that I found myself sitting in the police station soon after that "dreaded moment", explaining to a police officer just what happened, and why it was that I had spent so long trying so hard to not tell. The officer asked to be alone with me for a moment- and as the door shut behind my parents- he asked what I wanted to do.

I think that was the last thing I expected someone to ask me. What I wanted? See, I thought I didn't have a choice, I thought that I would have to endure what my sister had- testifying. I didn't want to testify. Because, even at 14 I wasn't so sure that he wouldn't come after me. After all, I'd spent years watching him harass my sister. I remembered the day he tried to run her down with a car- and the fact that no one did anything.

By then (that day I told) my sister was getting better. She wasn't having as much trouble sleeping, she was almost laughing like she used to again. The rest of my family was recovering well too, well as much as could be expected. So, there I was- on one hand I wanted him to pay, on the other hand I already had a pretty good realization of just what his punishment was likely to be.

To this day, I doubt he even knows that I told. I didn't press charges against him. Strange, huh? But, to me it was because I knew I was safer NOT doing it. IF I had, his anger would have flared up again, as would the harassment and the threats, the phone calls and the rest of it. And, I couldn't live through that again. Sending him away for 60 days wasn't enough to justify going through all of that once again.

Had there been a One Strike Law, and had I known about it- I wouldn't have waited so long to tell. I wouldn't have had to fear that he would be free to go through with the threats he had made. I would have been safe, and more importantly so would my sister. The years we lived in constant fear would have never happened, because he would have been sitting in jail rather than sitting across the street every time we walked outside. After a few very long years, he moved on, I don't know if his anger that she told subsided- or if he just outgrew the need to terrorize us, but never have I doubted that had I made the choice to press charges- the torment would have lasted much longer.

In the end, I don't think he bought my silence by the terror he put us through, as much as the system ensured it by failing to give my sister justice, and failing to offer it to me. So, that's why I support the One Strike Law, Dylan's Law. Because from my point of view- more victims would be willing to tell and have family prosecuted if they knew that after they did- they would be protected by knowing that the abuser was going to be locked up for the rest of their lives.

**Lynne (For Privacy Sake)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Would you testify against your predator family member knowing there was a one strike law?

Hi Kattie,

I am sorry for your your trauma and I am as angry as you are about this injustice! I would like to ask you a question:

According to some Prosecutors, and a lot of bureaucraps who make their living off of the sex offender trade, are vehemently opposed to a one strike law because they say (and we all know how right and wonderful bureaucraps are) victims who have been raped, molested or sodomized by a predator family member won't testify against the predator family member if the victim knows there is a one strike law w/o parole hanging over their predator family member (See articles below).

Would you have testified against your predator family member knowing that they had a one strike law w/o parole hanging over their head?

In fact, any one who is a victim of a predator family member I would like to hear from you! There is a comment link at the bottom of this article.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Duncan Confesses to Anthony Martinez Case & two missing sisters from Ballard, WA!


KREM story

How many more children across the West will we discover Duncan has murdered?

Thank you Washington state Legislature for allowing this monster to walk away because of your lack laws regarding VIOLENT SEX PREDATORS! You should beg forgiveness from these families! SHAME ON YOU!! You will face God some day for this!

Focus Like A Laser Beam

Last night’s meeting in Burien went very well. We had several new volunteers, the press was there and most importantly a big lot of the Groene family was there to support CFAOSL and our staff despite some people’s attempt to say that I am doing this for the publicity! What publicity we can get!

I want to say thank you to the Groene’s for their support and love towards all of us and I am so glad to have met the nicest bunch of people in a long time.

The meeting was basically an organizational meeting and talking about what crimes are under Dylan’s law. We talked about how when this law is passed it will force Oregon and Idaho to pass their own laws and how this will create a wildfire across this country.

Currently, there are attempts to pass other kinds of sentencing laws re: sex offenses, but these laws will only create second chances for sex predators. We are vehemently opposed to giving second chances to violent sex predators. They do not deserve a second chance, our children do!

When one examines the high profile cases in every case, but one (Elizabeth Smart--correct me if I’m wrong), all of these predators did a least 20 years. Most did more, but not all at the same time. The argument is that we are knee-jerk reactors, but reality is that each one of these high profile cases represents thousands of missing, raped, molested, sodomized and murdered children that never get ANY media attention--not even local media attention! Our efforts are not knee-jerk reactions; they are sound common sense activism that should be going on in every state in this country! I suspect eventually OSL will be the topic of discussion everywhere as the only solution that makes sense.

We are going to focus like a laser beam on getting the Groene bill passed in Washington state. That is our focus. Our focus will not shift from the left or to the right and our focus will not be to placate to people who want to play around with sentencing laws by giving second chances to the sex predator instead of the children of this state.

CFAOSL’s focus will not be to say we are doing it for the kids--we really will do it for the kids. We won’t buckle under when the gub’ment says we are liars and we will damage kids by passing a one strike law. We won’t believe the lie that kids won’t testify if they knew there was a one strike law. It’s really about the money folks! How would a kid know what sentencing law there was unless they were told by some “groomer” be it the pedophile or the government groomers as a threat to their life?